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The Primary School of St Mary and St MartinLet your light shine – Matthew 5:16

Caring for Creation Club

We have 10 children in our Caring for Creation Club from Reception to Year 6 supported by Mrs Braithwaite.


The children voted on ten main topics and chose three that they would like to focus on for the rest of this academic year.


The topics chosen were Litter, Healthy Living and School Grounds.  The children will now produce an Action Plan to see how these areas can be more eco-friendly, who is responsible for them and how progress can be monitored.


Their ideas so far are:


Litter – Go on ‘litter picks’ in our school grounds and surrounding area; use their findings to produce ‘litter art’, promote anti-littering in the school community.


Healthy Living – introduce an area in school to grow fruit and vegetables; introduce ‘Mindfulness Minutes’ as quiet reflection time; promote the well-being clubs in school; conduct a reusable water bottle survey in school.


School grounds – Introduce a ‘class plant’ into each classroom; work in the Mindfulness and Wildlife Gardens to keep them neat and tidy; purchase a waterbutt; encourage the teachers to increase the amount of outdoor leaning!


Alongside these projects, the Club would also like to hold a ‘Re-love our stuff’ event in the Summer term.  More details will follow nearer the time.


If the Club can achieve these targets they can enter for a Green Flag Award through Eco Schools. Have a look at their website for more information on how we can all help our planet –
