Collective Worship is an important part of the school day. It takes place in the Hall and is led by our Class Teachers. On Friday, we have a Reward and Recognition collective worship.
Every other Wednesday Rev Liz Mack comes into school to lead our Worship.
We have class reflection books and reflection areas that give the children a chance to think about things we have discussed during worship.
In KS2 all children have a reflection book.
On some special days, we may have Collective Worship at the Church, eg Remembrance day, Easter and Christmas
Our Collective Worship is based around our values
Autumn 2 PEACE
Spring 1 RESPECT
Spring 2 FAITH
Summer 2 HOPE
We use Bible stories, famous and inspirational leaders, events, simple quotations, music and drama as part of our worship and we invite visitors to come and lead assemblies that also help to educate and inspire our children. We have some class Collective Worships where we invite parents and carers to join us.
We always start our collective worship by lighting a candle and saying ;'This is the light of Christ, let it shine through me' and we end our worship blowing out the candle and saying 'Although the darkness comes, the Lord will never leave us.'
Our school song is 'The Little Light of Mine'.
Sometimes on a Tuesday we have a class collective worship.
Rev Liz Mack visits us regularly to take part in our services.